First let me say off the bat that I consider nuclear power one of the best energy sources we have. Why?
Because nuclear is dense, reliable, constant, low carbon, relatively safe, scalable and proven technology.
It also generates little (although dangerous waste).
Actually, nuclear is so good that if humanity didn't have it, we would need to invent it.
Again, off the bat let me say that I consider that eventually nuclear will supply more than 50% of humanity's energy. By nuclear I mean fission and fusion. In fission we are including uranium and thorium and all sorts of reactor designs. On the other hand, "eventually" doesn't necessarily mean soon.
So, after stating the above, we don't want to sound like Greenpeacers promoting renewable energy and thus here is a dose of reality:
In a previous post,* we calculated that to expand nuclear generation to comprise 50% of global electricity requirements (and say, 25% of global energy requirements) we would need to commission 87 one GWe nuclear reactors every year for 30 years. Or, if you prefer, half that amount of reactors for 60 years.**
Today, only China seems serious about massively increasing their nuclear capacity and currently have 28*** reactors under construction. Comendable, but hardly enough.
Remember, if we want to produce 50% of our electricity with nuclear by 2040 we need to commission 87 reactors in 2014; 87 more in 2015; 87 more in 2016; 87 more in 2017; 87 more in 2018; 87 more in 2019...
Sure, we might say, we are not starting now, but later, still it is inescapable that a dramatic nuclear buildup is required.
Thus, we have to differentiate what is technically feasible from what is probable.
Is it feasible to produce 50% of the global electricity with nuclear? If France is already producing close to 80% of its annual electricity with nuclear, there shouldn't be any insurmountable technical limitations for the world to "go the way of France."
However, now we have to ask how probable it is that we will commission 87 reactors (average) per year for 30 years. I would say the probability is extremely low, almost zero.
OK, what about 43 per year for 60 years? Hmmm... that seems more probable.
And what about 29 for 90 years? This looks awfully more probable.
The EIA estimates that by 2040 nuclear energy will supply 14.1% of global electricity (and say, half of that for total energy usage).
For the other low carbon energies, the EIA estimates the following penetrations in global electricity generation:****
Hydro: 16%.
Wind: 4.7%
Solar: 1.2%
Adding all of the above (including nuclear) we reach a total of 36%. Thus the rest, 64% would still be comprised of combustible fuels by 2040.
And let's remember this is only electricity generation. The rest of our energy requirements would be even more heavily represented by fossil fuels.
Thus and if you ask me, the responsible thing to do is to plan for a world where fossil fuels continue to dominate the energy market for the rest of this century.
Conclusion: nuclear energy will eventually supply more than 50% of humanity's energy. "Eventually" means 100 to 150 years in the future. From now until then, fossil fuels will continue to provide the heavy lifting for our civilization.
Feel free to add to the conversation on Twitter: @luisbaram
** Considering energy requirements won't continue to increase after 2040.
Labels: carbon, climate change, emissions, energy, global warming, nuclear, renewable